Connecting social media accounts to a creator's profile is essential for comprehensive creator management. This feature allows you to consolidate multiple social profiles under a single creator, enabling better tracking and analytics.
This linking system ensures that all of a creator's social media presence is properly consolidated under their profile, providing accurate performance metrics and easier relationship management.
Step-by-Step Process
Navigate to the Creators page in your dashboard
Select the creator you want to add social accounts to
Click the three-dot menu (โฎ) above the creator's information
Choose "Edit linked accounts" from the menu options
Click "Add Linked Account"
Input the username of the social account you want to connect
Once finalized, click on "Save changes" to confirm the new connection
Multiple social accounts can be linked to a single creator
The platform will automatically update EMV calculations with the new linked account
Analytics will include data from all linked accounts
All linking actions are recorded in the activity log
Social accounts can only be linked to one creator at a time