Sometimes, you may need to unlink social media accounts from a creator's profile. This could be necessary when a creator changes their username, closes an account, or if an account was linked incorrectly. The platform provides a simple way to manage these connections.
This process helps maintain accurate creator profiles by ensuring only current and relevant social accounts remain connected to each creator.
Step-by-Step Process
Access the Creators page in your dashboard
Select the specific creator whose account needs to be unlinked
Click the three-dot menu (โฎ) located above the creator's information
Select "Edit linked accounts" from the dropdown menu
In the accounts list, locate the social account you want to unlink
Click the chain icon next to the username to remove the connection
Unlinking an account does not delete the social profile from your system
The action is recorded in the creator's activity log
The account can be re-linked to the creator if needed
EMV calculations will update automatically to reflect the unlinked account
The creator's analytics will no longer include data from the unlinked account